Support health naturally.
What Is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the art and science of using essential oils to naturally promote and maintain health and wellness in the body, mind and spirit. These volatile oils are extracted from the seeds, roots, wood, bark, resins, leaves, flowers, fruits and nuts of plants. They contain specific fragrant and therapeutic components that support your body, mind and spirit and every essential oil is unique in its composition.
The composition of each oil differs not only between plants but different parts of the same plant. These special and unique components work in synergy to not only awaken the senses, but also help support the immune, respiratory, musculoskeletal, nervous, lymphatic and digestive systems, skin, sleep, focus and create an emotional, healthy balance.
How Are Essential Oils Used?
The two most common applications are topically* in carrier oils, balms, butters, creams or lotions, or by inhalation using inhalers or diffusers.
Topical use
In topical applications essential oils are often used in skincare products such as lotions, creams or oils to help improve the appearance of blemished skin, fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration and other imperfections and injuries. As moisturizers and humectants for the face and body, they help soothe irritation from dry, rough and irritated skin and aid in the appearance of a healthy, youthful, supple and moisturized complexion. They work wonderfully with the skin in natural and nourishing cleansers and toners.
When used in butters, balms or carrier oils essential oils help support movement in the musculoskeletal, digestive and lymphatic systems. They are an enormous benefit for those who are active and have overexerted or those who have difficulty with movement in muscles, tendons or joints. When used in conjunction with massage their benefits are further enhanced.
Find balance in body, mind and spirit.
Awaken the senses.
Inhalation is often the quickest avenue to benefit from the effects of essential oils in many situations. The inhalation method is often used for respiratory support, relief from seasonal irritants, clear the airways, calm the mind for sleep, meditation, energy, focus, nausea, digestion, stress, tension and emotional balance. This method can also enhance the use of topical applications. Inhalers are perfect for personal use (only you can smell the oils) and small enough to carry in a pocket or purse for use at any time, anywhere.
Diffusers, such as ceramic or terra cotta pieces, fans, ultrasonic and nebulizers, disperse the oils into the surrounding air and are effective for entire rooms. They are especially effective during the cold and flu season to support recovery for family members that are ill and help keep everyone else healthy by mitigating airborne microbes.
Cleaning products
In addition to using them for the body, mind and spirit, they make excellent household cleaners such as kitchen counter sprays, bath, glass and floor cleaners, room deodorizers and linen or room sprays. Use them in place of commercial chemical-based cleaning products as they are less taxing on the body and therefore help support the immune system and reduce the effects of allergens naturally. When our clients switch to natural cleaning products many find they have a marked reduction in their allergy symptoms. As an extra bonus they smell great, too!
Interested in Learning More?
Discover how these wonderful gifts from nature can help support your physical, spiritual and emotional health. Simply email or click on the Learn More button below with any questions you may have. You are also invited to subscribe to our newsletter for additional information, tips and ideas on using essential oils. Please visit our Facebook page for more tips and information. We love sharing our knowledge and experiences with you and are always happy to assist you!
* Essential Oil Safety *
We care about your well-being and your safety is important to us.
We believe in the safe and responsible use of essential oils. Here are some precautions to consider when using them.
The use of essential oils in high concentrations may lead to sensitivity or allergic reactions. Essential oils are highly concentrated and very powerful. When used topically, they should always be diluted in a carrier oil, butter or lotion and in small percentages, generally speaking from .5% to 3%. Never use them “neat” (undiluted) on your skin without the guidance of a Certified Aromatherapist.
Special care is needed when diffusing around small children and pets as some essential oils can be irritating to their more delicate constitutions. Please consult a Certified Aromatherapist for use of specific essential oils around children and pets. Do not use essential oils topically on children under the age of three. Hydrosols are much safer and just as effective for little ones. We are happy to assist you for suggestions in the use of hydrosols and essential oils around children or pets.
Use caution when diffusing oils if you or someone in your home has any type of respiratory illness. Some oils can exacerbate issues for those with asthma, COPD or breathing issues.
Some essential oils may interfere with certain medications. Be sure to consult your health care provider if you are taking any medication before using essential oils. This is particularly important if you have any respiratory, blood, heart or other organ issues or are being treated for cancer.
Never use essential oils internally without the guidance of a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. Do not add them to your drinking water or water based beverage for flavor as oil and water do not mix and some oils can be irritating or harmful to mucous membranes, delicate tissues and organs. Instead, try using hydrosols, fresh squeezed fruit juice or fresh herbs for flavoring water or water based drinks.
If you have any questions regarding the use and safety of essential oils, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek advice from your licensed medical practitioner regarding medical issues before consulting with an aromatherapist. Always advise your medical practitioner if you use essential oils. Please review our disclaimer.